Comments on: New solar array powers luxury apartments in Jersey City Covering the world of solar power technology, development and installation. Fri, 16 Aug 2024 14:53:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Solarman2 Fri, 16 Aug 2024 14:53:35 +0000 Right here on this thread in 2019 there was an article for an apartment complex in Utah, Soleil Lofts, that was constructed with solar PV on every apartment building roof and a Sonnen BESS in every apartment in the complex. This seems to be catching on in other apartment complexes and housing tracts, there was also a tract home development in Texas that was to have solar PV and BESS in each home. In Arizona since right around 2019 developer Mandalay homes has been putting solar PV and Sonnen BESS units in the homes in the housing tracts they build. It has been reported the Mandalay tract in Cottonwood Arizona when built out will have an aggregate Energy storage of 10MWh.

The thing I’m not seeing here, is this Birch House project isn’t mentioning commercial BESS unit(s) for use as day time solar PV energy storage and night time arbitrage using the BESS to actually be capable of reducing the electric bills in the complex up to around 50% with proper programming. Aside from California, New Jersey and New York is mentioned more often in news feeds about solar PV and alternative energy projects. The proof that large BESS units using stored excess energy during the day and allow stored after hours enegy use to regulate TOU rate spiking periods and enable the BESS to be used as a stacked revenue stream doing arbitrage energy storage from the grid and grid services to the local utility during high peak demands.
