Comments on: Sunrun’s solar + storage VPP supports California grid with 48 MW a night during heat wave Covering the world of solar power technology, development and installation. Fri, 19 Jul 2024 21:50:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Solarman2 Fri, 19 Jul 2024 21:50:58 +0000 ” Batteries from over 16,000 Sunrun customers’ solar + storage systems dispatched power for four consecutive evenings from July 9 to 12 during peak hours.”

Average about 3kWh from each customer in the VPP program, or something like an average of 0.6kWh for those TOU periods. So, if one can extrapolate this 16,000 and 3 kWh, what would the consideration of the 1,000,000 solar roofs initiative with battery storage look like at 3kWh, about 3GWh. What (if) these million ‘homes’ had bidirectional BEVs and grid interactive VPP status, how long could one drive the grid in VPP mode overnight?
This is a local VPP of from 600Wh to 638Wh during TOU and with the proper battery storage with considerations to handle the home during a PSPS one might have 48kWh on hand and 1kWh for 5 hours would be nothing on any given day.
