Comments on: California Public Advocates Office suggests changes for legacy NEM customers Covering the world of solar power technology, development and installation. Thu, 29 Aug 2024 16:19:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Barry Cinnamon Thu, 29 Aug 2024 16:19:28 +0000 Take a look at the equations and you’ll understand why the cost shift argument is compete BS. They take the average compensation rate and subtract out the utilities’ calculation of the Avoided Cost of solar. However, when they calculate the avoided cost they DO NOT INCLUDE transmission, distribution, profit and environmental benefit costs — only the cheap generation costs from remote solar and wind farms. On the other hand, all customers pay for these charges. If you plug in the correct values of these Avoided Costs, solar actually SAVES all customers even if they don’t have solar.

By: Travis Winn Tue, 27 Aug 2024 21:01:50 +0000 Outrageous, punish 2,000,000 early adopters and blame us for taking the first steps, when you are having to pay for your mistakes of causing wildfires. People need to stand up to this corporate greed and welfare. California should nationalize the big PGE, SCE and other big ones, and then decentralize it with rooftop production and subsities instead of getting people to sign up for 25 year contracts with shady solar companies.
